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Can I Rollerblade with a Torn ACL?

Can I rollerblade with a torn ACL? Wondering if you can rollerblade with a torn ACL? You’ve come to the right place. I’ve put together this comprehensive guide to help you make an informed decision. So, read on!

Can I rollerblade with a torn ACL? Rollerblading is fun and has tons of health and social benefits. When done right, rollerblading builds and strengthens muscles. It also improves the cardiovascular system and helps with excess body weight loss.

But all these are unachievable if knee pain when rollerblading gets in the way. Honestly, you can only rollerblade with torn ACL when the injury isn’t severe or when in recovery mode. Rollerblading with a fresh and severe injury can cause more harm than good, so you don’t want to try it!

This is only the tip of the iceberg. I cover more details in the rest of this guide, and trust me; you don’t want to miss out. So, without much ado, let’s get to it!

What is a Torn ACL?

First things first! What is an ACL? Simply put, an ACL, also known as the anterior cruciate ligament, is a knee tissue connecting your thigh and the shin bones.

The ligament stabilizes the knees and aids in smooth movement. A torn ligament is defective and doesn’t perform its intended purpose.

Torn ACLs aren’t usually severe unless in rare circumstances. But when left unattended, the situation can worsen to lifelong disability.

This is why you want to seek medical attention immediately you notice signs and symptoms of a torn ACL. How can you tell you have a torn ACL? You’re probably asking. Let’s get dive into it!

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Causes and Symptoms of Torn ACL

There are two primary types of torn ACL—acute and severe. A severely torn ACL is mainly caused by a hard and direct impact on the knee from a fall or a collision injury.

On the other hand, an acutely torn ACL is primarily caused by indirect impact. The pain is usually less severe, and one can go back to normal activity after a few weeks.

ACLs are common in sports like rollerblading, skiing, skateboarding, and roller skating. It’s also possible to pick ACL injuries from other contact and non-contact sports and fitness activities.

Below is a quick rundown of what causes torn ACL when rollerblading;

  • Suddenly stopping when rollerblading fast.
  • Wrongly landing from a rollerblading jump.
  • Colliding with other skaters are the skating park.
  • Falling on your knees on a concrete or asphalt rollerblading surface.

Torn ACLs are usually characterized by;

  • Loud pop sound in the knee.
  • Severe knee pain and inability to move.
  • Rapid knee swelling.
  • Instability when moving.

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Can I Rollerblade with a Torn ACL?

While you can rollerblade with a torn ACL, it’s best to take caution for your comfort and prevent further knee injury. Below is what you need to do to rollerblade safely with a torn ACL.

1. Wear Knee Bandage or ACL Knee Braces

There are two ways to provide support to your knees post ACL surgery. You can use a knee bandage or an ACL knee support brace.

While a knee bandage is basic, an ACL knee support brace is more advanced and the best for the job. However, if you can’t get hold of one, a bandage will do fine!

The best ACL knee braces relieve knee pain and provide comfort, so you want to wear one while rollerblading.

What’s more? They enhance mobility and improve the blood floor around the injured knee. And the best part is there are more ACL knee brace types to choose from;

  • Rehabilitative braces; used to limit knee movement after a torn ACL incident.
  • Functional braces; used to comfort and support already ACL torn knees.
  • Prophylactic braces; used to protect the knee from torn ACL and related injuries while rollerblading or playing inline hockey.
  • Unloader/off-loader braces; mostly used by arthritis patients but can also help with torn ACL.

What else should you consider when buying the right ACL knee braces?

  • Hinges—the best options are hinged to prevent torn ACL injuries when rollerblading. It’s the best choice if you want to prevent further tearing.
  • Flexibility—you want adjustable ACL knee braces for maximum knee comfort and support while rollerblading.
  • Support—the right ACL knee braces are comfortable to wear and provide maximum knee support to provide further injuries and to relieve pain.

What are the best ACL knee braces for Rollerblading? Please feel free to check them out on Amazon!

  1. DonJoy Performance Bionic Drytex Hinged Knee Sleeve
  2. McDavid Maximum Support Knee Brace with Hinges (429X)
  3. DonJoy Reaction Web Knee Support Brace with Compression Undersleeve
  4. DonJoy Performance Bionic Knee Brace
  5. BraceAbility Hinged ROM Knee Brace

2. Enroll in Physiotherapy Classes

A physiotherapist is your best guarantee for quick recovery after a torn ACL. This is because there are well trained experienced and know their stuff.

According to Triangle Physiotherapy, physiotherapy helps restore the injured knee’s mobility, function, and movement when done right.

This is because specialists rely on experimented and researched information on how the body works. They also use medically certified procedures for torn ACL treatment.

Below is a quick rundown of the primary benefits of Physiotherapy!

  • Reduces or gets rid of knee pain.
  • Helps avoid unnecessary surgery.
  • Improves knee strength and coordination.
  • Reduces medicine dependency.
  • Improves blood floor around the affected area.
  • Improves your mental health.

There are several ways to find a physiotherapist. But it can also be daunting when you don’t know where to look.

The quick way is to do an online search using relevant keywords and phrases. Best physiotherapists near me or physiotherapists in my city are a good place to start.

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3. Take Doctors Recommended Medication

Taking medication o time and in the recommended dosage helps greatly manage the pain and quicken your healing.

It would be best if you also considered taking painkillers for pain relief before earing your rollerblades to go skating. Then, the pain will be kept in check as you rollerblade stress-free.

4. Mind What You Eat

Your diet plays a crucial role in the healing process. You want to eat more vitamin-giving foods to supply enough nutrients required in the healing process.

The protein-rich diet also goes a long way since they’re commonly known as body-building foods. Eating sufficient proteins every day helps build and restore the torn ACL.

According to Healthcare atHOME, your diet should comprise lean proteins like chicken and fish. You should also do dairy, green leafy vegetables, and fresh citrus fruits.

5. Be Mindful of Your Surrounding when Rollerblading

Rollerblading at a crowded place can be a nightmare, especially when more experienced skaters are around. This is more common at skate parks or rollerblading on busy streets, bike lanes, or sidewalks.

The problem is you have zero control over this. The best you can do is avoid things that can hurt your injured knees further.

If you’re at a skate park, please avoid skaters who are rollerblading fast. They’re likely to knock you down if you collide with them.

6. Avoid the Urge to OverSkate

Rollerblading is fun. I get it. But overdoing it can hurt you more, so you want to avoid the urge to overskate.

The rule of thumb is only to go rollerblading when necessary, especially when nursing a torn ACL injury.

7. Use the Correct Rollerblading Posture

Using the correct rollerblading posture helps with bodyweight transfer. The right posture involves bending your knees slightly forward.

The knees should be above your toes and your shoulders over the hips. Bending your knees may be a problem because of the injury. This is why you only want to skate for a short time.

More importantly, this posture transfers your body weight from your back and knees to your toe balls. This helps alleviate too much pressure around the knee, which really hurts.

8. Minimize or Avoid Doing Rollerblading Tricks

Rollerblading tricks like quick turns, jumps, and spins are awesome, making you look cool. But you’ll want to put a hold on them for the time being until you have fully healed.

You can still have fun by doing basic stuff, so you don’t need to stress over it. You should go back to doing all your favorite rollerblading tricks in a little while.

9. Watch Your Speed

Rollerblading fast is cool and exciting. But you’ll have to watch over your speed while nursing a torn ACL injury. The last thing you want is to fall again on your knees or collide with other skaters.

This can worsen the knee injury even more.

Can I Rollerblade with a Torn ACL? Wrapping Up

Can I rollerblade with a torn ACL? Honestly, nothing stops you from rollerblading with a torn ACL, provided the injury isn’t severe, and you’re taking the necessary precautions to prevent further injury.

Below is the quick rundown of how-to rollerblade with a torn ACL!

  • Wear Knee Bandage or ACL Knee Braces
  • Enroll in Physiotherapy Classes
  • Take Doctors Recommended Medication
  • Mind What You Eat
  • Be Mindful of Your Surrounding when Rollerblading
  • Avoid the Urge to Over Skate
  • Use the Correct Rollerblading Posture
  • Minimize or Avoid Doing Rollerblading Tricks
  • Watch Your Speed

That’s it, mate! I hope you found this guide helpful!

Navick Ogutu
Navick Ogutu

Navick is a full-time freelance writer, blogger, and internet marketer. By day, he creates content for multiple sites including Over the weekend, he goes out skating with friends.

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