Inline Skate Stars

Arbor Vs Burton

Are you torn between Arbor and Burton when it comes to choosing your snowboard? Well, look no further! This article is here to help you make an informed decision.

In just a few minutes, you'll learn about the history, board technology, binding options, and performance aspects of both brands.

We'll also delve into the price range and value for money, ensuring that you find the perfect fit for your riding style.

So, let's dive in and discover which brand will become your ultimate snowboarding companion.

History and Background

If you're deciding between Arbor and Burton, it's important to understand their history and background.

Both brands have a strong brand reputation and popularity in the snowboarding community. Arbor was founded in 1995 and is known for their commitment to sustainability and environmentally-friendly practices. They've gained a loyal following due to their high-quality craftsmanship and innovative designs.

On the other hand, Burton has been around since 1977 and is considered one of the pioneers in the snowboarding industry. They've a long-standing reputation for producing cutting-edge board designs and pushing the boundaries of snowboarding technology.

Over the years, both brands have evolved their board designs to cater to different riding styles and preferences, ensuring that riders have a wide range of options to choose from.

Board Technology and Innovation

When it comes to board technology and innovation, you'll find that both Arbor and Burton offer a range of cutting-edge features and advancements. Both brands prioritize smart technology integration and have implemented sustainability initiatives in their manufacturing processes. Here is a comparison of some key features and innovations offered by both brands:

Arbor Burton
Smart Technology Integration The Arbor brand incorporates smart technology into their boards, allowing for enhanced performance and customization. Burton also integrates smart technology into their boards, providing riders with features like Bluetooth connectivity and personalized settings.
Sustainability Initiatives Arbor is committed to sustainability and uses eco-friendly materials in their boards, such as bamboo and recycled materials. They also participate in reforestation programs. Burton has made significant efforts towards sustainability by using recycled materials in their boards and reducing their carbon footprint through initiatives like the "Green Mountain Project."

Both Arbor and Burton are constantly pushing the boundaries of board technology and innovation, ensuring that riders have access to the latest advancements while also prioritizing sustainability.

Binding Options and Features

You'll find a variety of binding options and features to choose from, ensuring a personalized and comfortable fit for your snowboarding experience.

Both Arbor and Burton offer a range of binding compatibility options to accommodate different types of snowboards. Arbor bindings are compatible with the Arbor System, which features a unique mounting system that enhances board feel and control.

On the other hand, Burton bindings are designed with the EST system, allowing for maximum adjustability and compatibility with Burton boards.

When it comes to customization options, both brands offer bindings with adjustable straps, highbacks, and baseplates. These features allow you to fine-tune your bindings to your specific preferences and riding style.

Whether you prefer a stiffer or more flexible binding, both Arbor and Burton provide options to suit your needs.

Performance and Riding Styles

To optimize your snowboarding performance and cater to different riding styles, there are various binding options and features available. Understanding your riding techniques and gear preferences is crucial in selecting the right bindings for you. Arbor and Burton are two popular brands that offer a wide range of binding options to suit different riders.

Arbor Bindings Burton Bindings
– Cypress – Cartel
– Hemlock – Malavita
– Sequoia – Genesis
– Cadence – Lexa

Arbor bindings are known for their lightweight and responsive designs, making them ideal for riders who prefer a more aggressive and precise riding style. On the other hand, Burton bindings are known for their versatility and comfort, making them suitable for riders who enjoy a more relaxed and playful approach. Ultimately, the choice between Arbor and Burton bindings depends on your personal riding style and preferences.

Price Range and Value for Money

If you're looking for bindings that offer a good balance of price and value, consider checking out the options from both Arbor and Burton.

When it comes to warranty and customer support, Arbor is known for their exceptional customer service. They offer a three-year warranty on all their products, ensuring that you're covered in case of any issues. On the other hand, Burton offers a one-year warranty on their bindings, which is still decent but not as extensive as Arbor's.

In terms of board construction and materials, Arbor focuses on sustainability and eco-friendly practices. They use sustainably sourced wood for their binding bases and high-quality materials for their straps and buckles. Burton, on the other hand, is known for their innovative board technologies and materials. They utilize advanced materials like carbon fiber and nylon for increased performance and durability.

Ultimately, both Arbor and Burton offer bindings that provide good value for money. It's important to consider your specific needs and preferences when making a decision.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use Burton Bindings on an Arbor Snowboard?

Yes, you can use Burton bindings on an Arbor snowboard. Both Arbor and Burton use a standard 4-hole mounting system, so the bindings should be compatible. Just make sure the size matches.

Are There Any Specific Board Shapes That Arbor Specializes In?

Arbor specializes in a wide range of board shapes, catering to different riding styles and preferences. From traditional camber to rocker and everything in between, they offer options for everyone.

How Do Arbor and Burton Boards Differ in Terms of Weight?

When comparing Arbor and Burton boards, one noticeable difference is in their weight. Arbor boards tend to be lighter than Burton boards, making them easier to maneuver. Additionally, their flex ratings may vary, impacting the overall ride feel.

Can You Explain the Flex Ratings for Arbor and Burton Boards?

Flex ratings are an important factor in comparing Arbor and Burton boards. Understanding the differences can help you determine which one suits your riding style and preferences, ultimately affecting your performance on the slopes.

Are There Any Environmentally-Friendly Initiatives That Both Arbor and Burton Are Involved In?

Both Arbor and Burton have taken steps towards environmental sustainability and corporate responsibility. They have implemented initiatives such as using recycled materials, reducing waste, and supporting environmental organizations. These efforts demonstrate their commitment to the environment.


In conclusion, when it comes to choosing between Arbor and Burton snowboards, it ultimately comes down to personal preference and riding style. Both brands have a rich history and offer innovative board technology and binding options.

Consider the performance and features that align with your specific needs and budget. Whether you're a seasoned rider or just starting out, both Arbor and Burton provide value for money and the potential for an exhilarating snowboarding experience.

So, hit the slopes and let your board do the talking!

Navick Ogutu
Navick Ogutu

Navick is a full-time freelance writer, blogger, and internet marketer. By day, he creates content for multiple sites including Over the weekend, he goes out skating with friends.

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