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Can You Roller Skate After Knee Replacements?

Can You Roller Skate After Knee Replacements? If you are wondering if you can roller skate after knee replacement, you are just on time. This guide will give you the answers to your questions and solutions to your problem. Let’s dive in!

Can you roller skate after knee replacements? Knee injuries are a big blow for roller skaters since they’re primarily engaged while roller skating.

The recommended roller skating posture and form requires slightly bent knees to increase balance and reduce falling. 

You will likely suffer knee injuries by overstretching your knee muscles or from poor landings.

So, it is always advisable to be on your protective gear while roller skating. Knee pads are recommended to protect your knees in case you fall or collide with someone. 

This guide covers everything you should know about knee replacement and how to roller skate after knee replacements. Let’s roll it!

Can You Roller Skate After Knee Replacements

In a flash! Can you roller skate after knee replacement? You can go back to roller skating after a knee replacement after your doctor’s approval. After a knee replacement, you need a reasonable time to heal completely. You also need to exercise your knee before going back to roller skating.

What Is Knee Replacement?

Knee replacement surgery involves removing damaged cartilage and bone from the knee joint and replacing it with an artificial joint.

What Happens in a Knee Replacement?

An operation is performed to replace your knee.

At the same time, you are either under general anesthesia (asleep throughout the procedure) or under spinal anesthesia (no feeling from your waist down but still awake).

The surgeon cuts the knee down to reveal the knee cap, then advances deeper to the diseased knee joints and removes them.

The removed pieces are then replaced with metal or plastic parts (prostheses) that are measured to fit first.

What To Do After Knee Replacement Before You Can Go Back to Skating

Before going back to roller skating, you must take an average of four to six weeks. It is recommendable to wait for your knee to heal before going back to skating completely.

Before you can go back to skating, you need to;

1. Consult Your Surgeon

You should check in with your surgeon frequently to see how the artificial knee is holding up. The appointments aid in the detection of potential difficulties and the progression of your healing.

2. Communicate With Your Physical Therapist

Therapists recommend workouts you can do before returning to roller skating to maintain strong muscles surrounding the knees. You must continue with your physical therapy exercises as prescribed.

3. Avoid Infections on the Treated Knee Wound

Bacterial infections are more likely to enter an open wound. Always keep an eye on your wound and keep it clean and close to prevent further infections that could necessitate another procedure.

How to Roller Skate After Knee Replacements

To begin roller skating after knee replacements, wear knee protectors and skate on smooth, friendly terrain. Begin with one hour of slow skating. Many roller skating tricks should be avoided. Stick to forward skating on straight surfaces before attempting tricks.

What Causes Roller Skating Knee Injuries?

1. Over-skating.

Because of the thrill and fun of the activity, you may be tempted to roller skate for long periods as a newbie. This gives your knees a lot of pleasure. Overworking them causes them to burn and become painful.

2. Skating off Recommended Posture

Skating with your knees tracking over your toes or inwards creates strain on your knees. You run the danger of damaging the ligament tissue. 

In the recommended skating posture, your knees should be slightly bent but not over your toes. You should skate with your feet shoulder-width apart.

3. Wrong Placement of Your Knee or Hips

Your hip and knee joints must be moveable during roller skating, and your knees should only hinge back and forth. Locking your knees and hips causes your knees to sag, causing ligament stress and knee pain.

4. Overhung Skate Shoes

When it comes to skate shoes, you should have the proper fit. When performing a pump, overhang skate shoes demand more strength, requiring you to overuse your knees. Tight skates impose pressure on your feet as well.

How To Avoid Knees Injuries

1. Skating on Recommended Posture

When roller skating, keep your feet shoulder-width apart. With your hands on the sides, your knees should be slightly bent but not over your toes.

Hinge at the hips, bending toward the ground like assuming a squat position. That is the proper stance for roller skating.

2. Having the Right Gears

Wear your knee pad to avoid knee injuries, especially if you are a beginner, skating on an unfriendly surface, or skating fast.

3. Mastering Safe Falls

Avoid landing hard on your knees when falling while roller skating, which is why a knee pad is usually recommended.

If you can’t escape the fall on your knees, consider controlling it by going on one knee and sliding to reduce the impact of the fall.

4. Skating in “Safe” Places

Skating can be done on various surfaces, including concrete, sidewalks, highways, bike lanes, inside, and parks.

Smooth surfaces like bike lanes, concrete driveways, and asphalt are suitable for beginners. If you are new to skating, avoid irregular terrains since you risk falling and injuring yourself.

5. Avoid Exceeding Your Limits

Roller skating is entertaining and thrilling, and it’s much better with friends. As a result, you may be pushed to over skate, putting strain on your knee muscles. When strained, muscles are prone to tearing, resulting in discomfort and pain.

6. Wear Properly Fitting Roller Skates

Before purchasing a skate, you can rent some and skate on them to get a feel of which shoe is best for you. You can measure your shoe and choose the appropriate size. Tight or overhung skates strain your feet, causing knee injury.

Can You Roller Skate After Knee Replacements?|Wrapping Up

Can you roller skate after knee replacements? You can roller skate again even after knee replacements, but you need to heal completely. Before you can go back to roller skating after a knee replacement, you need;

  • Consult Your Surgeon
  • Communicate With Your physical Therapist
  • Avoid Infections on the Treated Knee Wound

Below is a summary of how to avoid Knee injuries;

  • Skating on Recommended Posture
  • Having the Right Gear
  • Mastering Safe Falls
  • Skating in “Safe” Places
  • Avoid Exceeding Your Limits
  • Correct Skate Shoe

That’s it! Hope you found this guide helpful!

Navick Ogutu
Navick Ogutu

Navick is a full-time freelance writer, blogger, and internet marketer. By day, he creates content for multiple sites including Over the weekend, he goes out skating with friends.

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