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Can I Rollerblade with Plantar Fasciitis?

Can I rollerblade with plantar fasciitis? You’ve come to the right place if you’re wondering whether you can rollerblade with plantar fasciitis. That’s why I’ve put together this guide. So, read on!

Can I rollerblade with plantar fasciitis, you ask? Rollerblading is a remarkable hobby with tons of health and social benefits.

But plantar fasciitis can easily ruin the fun of rollerblading. Often, beginners and less experienced skaters suffer more than everyone else.

What is plantar fasciitis? It’s a disease caused by repetitive strain on the bottom of the feet.

Wearing ill-fitting rollerblades is one of the primary causes of plantar fasciitis. So, wearing too tight or loose rollerblades is not a good idea.

I got you if you’re wondering whether you can rollerblade with plantar fasciitis. That’s why I’ve put together this guide. So, let’s get to it!

Can I Rollerblade with Plantar Fasciitis?

Can I rollerblade with plantar fasciitis? You can rollerblade with plantar fasciitis by wearing properly fitting rollerblades, decreasing distances and duration of rollerblading, using arch support insoles, applying athletic tape to your feet, taking steroid injections to reduce inflammation, and avoiding vigorous tricks like jumps.

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar Fasciitis refers to pain in the thick band of tissue (plantar fascia) running across the bottom of human feet, connecting the heel bone to the toes.

It may occur in your first steps in the morning or after skating. This can lower your morale and even make you avoid skating altogether.

Causes of Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis comes from the plantar fascia, a tissue connecting the heel bone with the base of the toes. This tissue holds the arch of the foot and absorbs shock when walking.

Much tension and stress may cause small tears to the fascia, which, if done repeatedly, can inflame or irritate it. Below are the possible primary causes of plantar fasciitis;

  • Increase in activity level.
  • Foot shape and structure.
  • Surface types.
  • Shoe types.
  • Body weight.

Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis

How can you tell you have plantar fasciitis? Below are the symptoms to look out for;

  • Pain nearby or on the bottom of the feet
  • The pain worsens when you start walking after resting or sleeping
  • Your feet hurt after rollerblading or performing other vigorous activities like running.

Plantar Fasciitis Risk Factors

Although anyone can develop plantar fasciitis, some circumstances can increase the chances of developing this condition.

  • Age: People aged 40 to 60 are at a high risk of suffering plantar fasciitis.
  • Obesity or Being Pregnant: Excess body weight puts extra stress on your plantar fascia and can cause heel inflammation.
  • Types of Exercise: Activities like rollerblading, which puts a lot of weight on your heel, can result in plantar fasciitis.
  • Occupations That Force You to Stand for Long: Some jobs force people to spend most of their time standing or walking. This may also put stress on the plantar fascia and lead to irritation.

How to Rollerblade with Plantar Fasciitis 

Plantar fasciitis is painful and causes discomfort while rollerblading. But this doesn’t mean you can’t rollerblade when you have plantar fasciitis. Below is how to rollerblade with plantar fasciitis.

1. Get Properly Fitting Rollerblades

It`s a mistake to get too small or too big rollerblades. Too big rollerblades leave much room in them, which makes the feet unstable.

Not only can this imbalance increase inflammation, but it can also cause blisters on your feet.

On the other hand, too small rollerblades tighten your feet, increasing irritation when affected. It can also put you at risk if you have not yet developed plantar fasciitis.

The solution is to get correctly fitting rollerblades, which are neither too tight nor too loose.

2. Loosely Tie Your Rollerblades Laces

Tieng your rollerblade laces too tight can increase the plantar fasciitis pain when skating. Tightly fitting rollerblades exert pressure on the heels and may trigger more pain while rollerblading.

This is why it’s best to loosely tie your laces for more comfort. The rule of thumb is that your rollerskates shouldn’t be too tight or too loose.

3. Wear Moderately Thick Socks

Some skaters invest in nice roller skating gear but overlook buying quality socks for rollerblading. The truth is the wrong choice of socks can trigger plantar fasciitis pain.

The best socks should be moderately thick to comfort the heels by absorbing some shock. This way, the heels don’t have to take in all the force from the feet while skating. 

Moderately thick socks also reduce friction, triggering more pain when skating.

3. Use the Recommended Skating Posture

The recommended rollerblading posture requires bending the knees slightly. The knees should be above the toes and the shoulders over the hips.

Why is the recommended rollerblading posture important? Skating in the recommended form transfers body weight from the heels to the toe balls.

This way, you won’t exert pressure on the heels lowering the risk of experiencing more pain.

4. Moderate Your Skating Sessions

Rollerblading is fun. But resisting the urge to skate more can be daunting. The problem is that rollerblading, more than necessary, only increases the pain.

It’s best to skate moderately by decreasing the distances and duration of rollerblading. If you usually cover three miles in 2 hours, it’s best to lower this by half until you treat plantar fasciitis.

5. Take Painkillers 

Although physical therapy provides a long-lasting solution to plantar fasciitis, medications relieve quick pain. That`s why it`s helpful to take pain relievers before skating.

Some of the best plantar fasciitis pain killers, according to Mayo Clinic, are ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, IBU, Motrin IB) and naproxen sodium (Aleve)

6. Apply Athletic Tape to Your Feet

Applying athletic tape to your feet when rollerblading goes a long way to alleviating plantar fasciitis pain when rollerblading.

Athletic tape works like moderately thick socks. So, it’ll absorb the shock from your rollerblades.

7. Use Arch Support

Plantar fasciitis pain increases with flat feet. The solution to minimizing the pain is by using arch support. This way, pressure from the heels will be distributed evenly throughout your feet.

Below are some of the best arch support for plantar fasciitis. You can check them out on Amazon

  1. PCSsole 3/4 Arch Supports Shoe Inserts for Plantar Fasciitis
  2. PCSsole 3/4 Length Comfort Orthotic Shoe for Plantar Fasciitis
  3. 3/4 High Arch Support Insoles for Men/Women, Plantar Fasciitis Insoles

8. Avoid Vigorous Rollerblading tricks

Performing rollerblading tricks like jumps and heel-toe is exciting and fulfilling. But you should avoid them since they can trigger more heel pain when rollerblading. You should consider keeping your skating activities simple until the pain stops completely. 

9. Seek Medical Advice if the Pain Persists

You should visit a physician if the pain persists for more than two weeks after following all recommended in this guide.

The physician can recommend a steroid injection to ease the pain, platelet plasma (PRP), or surgery in rare cases.

Can I Rollerblade with Plantar Fasciitis? | Wrapping Up

Rollerblading is fun and healthy. Plantar fasciitis should not deny you the enjoyment and benefits of rollerblading. This complete guide is what you need to get started.

Below is a quick rundown of how to rollerblade with plantar fasciitis;

  • Get Properly Fitting Rollerblades
  • Loosely Tie Your Rollerblades Laces
  • Use the Recommended Skating Posture
  • Moderate Your Skating Sessions
  • Take Painkillers
  • Apply Athletic Tape to Your Feet
  • Use Arch Support
  • Avoid Vigorous Rollerblading tricks
  • Seek Medical Advice if the Pain Persists

That’s it mate. Hope you found this guide helpful!

Navick Ogutu
Navick Ogutu

Navick is a full-time freelance writer, blogger, and internet marketer. By day, he creates content for multiple sites including Over the weekend, he goes out skating with friends.

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